The Night of Madden

The Night Of Madden

            One night the moon was risen high and the air was dead cold. I was walking alone in the lonely street on my way to the mall to buy a new tie. When I heard something then, a sharp noise rushed through the air and cut the silence in half. Then as I wondered what it was, a light appeared out in front of me. Then the light came closer and closer until I realized that it was a vehicle. The vehicle became larger and larger until it was right in front me. The vehicle then threw me into the air, smacking my head against the pavement, with a 

''Bifffffffff!?!!! ''

and as I awoke, the vehice was sideways, on the pavement with black smoke coming out. The trunk then started to rumble horribly. As I looked into the driver's cab, a horrific crack eminated through the night air. Startled, I stepped back as a large figure arose from the trunk. I then ran in fear, as a screech escaped from the creature "E.A. sports it's in the game!" I then knew who it was. It was my worst nightmare.... It was... John Madden.... He then began to chase me faster and faster until he dropped was on all fours. He trapped me in a corner of an alley way. He then grew bigger and bigger until he was the size of an elephant, and faces sprouted on his biceps... The faces of all the football stars.. Brett Farve, Ray Rice, Tim Tebow, Tiger Woods, Oj Simpson were all yelling "slaughter him, burn the witch, eat his brains, beat his wife, murder his bestfriend." when another figure appeared behind this monstrosity. The figure was wearing a duster and ballroom cap. The figure then yelled "''It's in the game!''" Just then a Loud noise burst through the air and the monster was dead... But as the man came closer he then pulled the face of John Madden off... and it was... Bill Cosby!!! So then the man beat him with his own jello pudding pops, and left, laughing maniacly.